What is this for?

It is possible that at some points you may want to restrict your user from entering certain values in your web application. Specifically, fields that conform to a very strict set of values. If you decide that it is a good idea for you to restrict what the user can even type in the input, this is the tool for you.

This works similar to a masked input, except that no mask is displayed, and the validation is done against a regular expression, which allows you to permit a complex class of values if that's what you need, or to be very specific if that is your necessity.

How does it work?

The logic is quite simple:


bower install ng-pattern-restrict

Alternatively, copy the ng-pattern-restrict.js (or the minified version ng-pattern-restrict.min.js) into your project, load it into the browser and use it away.


<input type="text" pattern="[0-9]+" ng-pattern-restrict />

Should be the same as

<input type="text" ng-pattern-restrict="[0-9]+" pattern="[0-9]+" />


If you still have problems, please make sure to check the Compatibility notes. There are several issues that really depend on the browsers.

E2E testing

In order to e2e test you need to execute the following steps:

npm install
./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update

# then, for each time you want to test
npm test

That's it. Neat, huh?

Check out the protractor configuration file for the set of browsers that you want to test on your system.

Version list